Woman who killed her brother's girlfriend in Facebook row over a borrowed $20 for milk and diapers i

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Saturday, August 24, 2024

Woman who killed her brother's girlfriend in Facebook fight over a $20 loan for milk and diapers is jailed for 15 years

  • Kamisha Richards loaned her boyfriend's sister $20 for baby supplies
  • When Kayla Henriques spent the money on something else, Richards demanded the money back over Facebook
  • The argument continued online until the girl's fought in person, with Richards getting stabbed by Henriques with a kitchen knife
  • Henriques will spend 15 years in prison on a manslaughter conviction
  • She originally faced 25 years to life for second-degree murder



A Brooklyn woman was sentenced to 15 years in prison for killing her friend in a fight that started on Facebook and involved actual spilled milk.

Kayla Henriques, 20, plead guilty to manslaughter Wednesday in the death of her brother's girlfriend Kamisha Richards, 22 in February 2011.

The fight happened started when Richards loaned Henriques, then 18, $20 dollars to buy supplies for her 1-year-old son Alex.

Fighting online: Kayla Henriques, left, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the February 2011 death of her brother's girlfriend Kamisha Richards, right Fighting online: Kayla Henriques, left, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the February 2011 death of her brother's girlfriend Kamisha Richards, right

Fighting online: Kayla Henriques, left, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the February 2011 death of her brother's girlfriend Kamisha Richards, right

Friends: Richards, left, was good friends with her boyfriend's sister Henriques, middle before the fight

Friends: Richards, left, was good friends with her boyfriend's sister Henriques, middle before the fight

But when Henriques spent the money on something else, Richards demanded the money back and spilled out the baby's milk from the refrigerator in retaliation.

Part of the argument started on Facebook with a back-and-forth of negative posts between the two women.

Facebook feud: The young women's argument escalated in a heated exchange on Facebook over the loan

Facebook feud: The young women's argument escalated in a heated exchange on Facebook over the loan

Richards wrote that this was the last time Henriques would 'con' her into giving her money.

One exchange got threatening.

'IMA HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!!!' Richards posted.

'We will see,' Henriques responded.

The last laugh: The young women's argument went offline and turned deadly when Henriques fatally stabbed Richards

The last laugh: The young women's argument went offline and turned deadly when Henriques fatally stabbed Richards

The stabbing happened February 27 at Henrique's grandmother's house in East New York.

After spilling out the milk, the two women got physical.

Bright future: Richards had just recently graduated from college and wanted to continue studying for a law degree before her untimely death

Bright future: Richards had just recently graduated from college and wanted to continue studying for a law degree before her untimely death

'They started arguing,' Det Christopher Obdyke said in his testimony. 'They also started texting back and forth while they were in the same apartment.'

'She was close to scissors and grabbed it. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife,' Henriques wrote in her confession. 'She swung and I swung. Then Kamisha kept yelling "This b**** stabbed me."'

Richards was discovered by one of her boyfriend's relatives as he returned from work.

‘She wasn't panicking,’ the relative told the New York Daily News.

‘She was calm. I called the ambulance and put pressure on (the wound). I did everything I could to try to save the girl.’

Her father cried at the crime scene to friends and relatives: ‘My daughter's dead’.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice graduate Richards, who was taken to Brookdale University Hospital, was hoping to apply to law school this autumn.

She worked as a security guard for JPMorgan Chase and was said to regularly help out with Henriques’s baby and be planning his birthday party for May.

Henriques was immediately regretful after the incident posting an apology on Facebook.


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'I can't be leave this happen I'm sorry I send my condolences to her family,' she wrote. 'RIP Kamisha.'

Henriques will be sentences August 21. She accepted a plea deal that brought her charges to manslaughter and only 15 years in prison with the potential of 25 years to life if she had been convicted of murder.

Gone: Richards died from injuries from one stab wound inflicted by Henriques

Gone: Richards died from injuries from one stab wound inflicted by Henriques
