Proof That Olivia Munn's Nude Ads For PETA Are Heavily Photoshopped

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Sunday, September 8, 2024

PETA's latest ad in its "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign features actress/model/comedian Olivia Munn in her birthday suit.

Or at least it appears to.

When I clicked through to the images in PETA's press release -- purely for professional research reasons, you understand -- I was confused.

I thought Olivia Munn was a 31-year-old woman with freckles, cute laugh-lines under her eyes, and honey-tanned skin.

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The woman in PETA's ads is freckle- and wrinkle-free, and appears to be an adult-oriented CGI outtake from the recent Tintin movie.

So I poked around on the interwebs and it didn't take long before I found a couple of photos of Munn looking like a normal human being.

When you put them next to PETA's ads, you have to wonder why they went to the effort of obtaining Munn's support for the cause if they didn't want to use her image as currently constituted. It's not as if Munn lacks the physical attributes for the job -- she's probably the most photogenic woman in the U.S. (And how depressing is it that someone at PETA thought a naked Munn wasn't cute enough to be published as is?)

Here's what her face, in a similar pose, looks like when it's not retouched by digital editing software:


Here's the horizontal version of Munn's new PETA ad ...

And here's how she looked at Comic Con in 2009

Gage Skidmore / Flickr, CC

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